So Saturday night (day 4) was definitely successful. Since it was 2ish days ago (& I was pretty drunk) I probably won't be able to recall a lot of details. I to remember, however, that one guy bought I think 12 or 13 lap dances...whoo! He was kinda gross & sweaty, but he wasn't old or too terribly creepy. He kept biting my tits, though, and I was too fucking intoxicated to stop him, especially since I usually like a little nipple action. Well, this shit crossed the line and I decided the next morning, when my boob was still in pain, that this would never happen again. I also have bruises on my tits because he grabbed them so goddamn hard. It sucks. I also have a new bruise on my other thigh, but the ones on my calf & feet are fading. One of the waitresses, who also dances at another club, said she told her mom her bruises are from slipping at the pool. Good one!
I worked Sunday too, which was pretty uneventful. I made almost $200 (thank goodness for lap dances). There was pretty much no one there all night. That's cool, though, since I love dancing to an empty fucking club. I was also kinda pissed because the DJ broke rotation & let some other girl go on stage last instead of me because "she begged me!" Asshole.
Oh yeah, I also saw someone do cocaine for the first time. I was just sitting out back with two girls smoking (I don't smoke, I was just hanging out) & one of them pulled a miniature white bag out of her cigarette box, sticks her finger in it, and well I bet you can figure the rest out. So that was interesting.
Some people have tried to warn me not to get caught up in drugs & the "lifestyle." These are people who don't know me, and who have surely never been inside a strip club before. At my other job I'm one of the only people who does not do drugs. I have also been in college (some would call it a party school, but my program is one of the best in the country) for 3 years, and I still don't do drugs.
I also don't drive drunk, fuck without a condom, or steal, or lie or cheat. If I'm dating someone and they disrespect me it's over. If I'm out with all my friends and they're popping pills, I stay out of it. So, like I said, these people who have been so kind to warn me about the dangers of my new job don't fucking know me.
I've even had customers tell me I look too innocent, and am I sure this is the right job, won't I get corrupted? "Don't spend all your money and get into drugs." Really? REALLY?! You are in a fucking strip club. You didn't even bother to take off your wedding band and you are judging me? No I don't accept that kind of scrutiny. I do not give anyone the right to judge me.
Don't get me wrong, I understand that I will be judged. This job is not acceptable to most people, and everyone in this industry must be a sketchy ass slut. Or maybe, just maybe, when a girl has an "excuse" like supporting her children or paying for school, it's the truth. There's a girl at my other job who has worked there for a few weeks & I've worked with her maybe 5 times. Someone else told me the other day that this girl doesn't approve of my new job. What the fuck? That doesn't even make sense...she has no right or place to approve or disapprove of what I do. She doesn't have to like it or agree with it, but she does not get to "disapprove." By the way, she's about the crappiest worker we have so my response was "She make not 'approve' of my work, but I fucking don't approve of her lack of work."
On that note, I have a 9:10am class that I'm starting tomorrow. Goodnight.
Total money made after tip out:
(Day 04) - $464
(Day 05) - $141
I remember when I started dancing, one of the nurses at the home I worked at told me that she'd shoot me if she ever caught her husband looking at me. (Funny how it's always the stripper's fault.) Anyway, good luck dancing.